Why Filipino Prayer is very Inefficient?


Efficient and effective intercession for earthly beings require the following essential intercessor attributes:

1. at least earthniscent - the ability to know every single earthly pious individual prayer needs, by spoken words or in mind, at any given time

2. at least earthnipresent - the ability where to extract earthly prayer request and where to deliver it

3. at least earthnipotent - the ability to extract earthly prayer and deliver it at the most acceptable time.

In the history of  revelations, there is no single evidence that point to the existence of spiritual beings with multi-conscious reading ability apart from God Himself. Thus, a single-conscious spirit intercessory capability, if allowed to by the rules of spirits, is only capable to intercede effectively within the range of his capability.

When an intercessor moves from one prayerful human to the another by the Speed of Thought, only selected individuals are handled properly. In this scenario, the most likely given priority are the most virtuous among men those poor. Thus, the poor in character either caused by their  own volition or mold by their environment may have a hard time connecting to an intercessor encircling the earth.

It would be highly desirable for an intercessor to act responsibly like impressing upon the prayerful man's heart, while he's waiting for an answered prayer, these soft of words similar to TAPI or CSTA virtual phones "Your prayer is in the queue. Please wait until delivered.". But even then, with millions of people praying to Mary or other Saints, considered by religious leaders capable of interceding, the efficiency would be very very low.

In networking terms, each prayer request is considered asynchronous or non-blocking by nature because the request is only delivered when a given pipeline is available from the requester to the target, in this case from a man to  an intercessor to God, is established in a any given rotational availability, with which the bottleneck indicated by the limited capability of the intercessor to deliver the message in both ways.


The best efficient mechanism for prayer is when an intercessor is God by nature because it can provide the mind-reading ability of a praying man thoughts and to deliver it when needed. Another advantage is when the prayer does not require the Father of trinity ability e.g.  non-sinful confession and forgiveness, the intercessor serving as a facade, in this case Christ, can provides direct answer.

One common defense against this contrary analysis is anthropomorphism which tells us that we can't subject the spiritual realms to human available analysis. But then again, we can ask the following questions:

1. Was it man who instituted to us that these non-Godlike intercessors are capable of interceding thus they can be safely subjected to human logic as well?

2.What is the point of providing non-Godlike intercessors when God Himself can do it on His own without delegation?


Many people around the world e.g. Filipinos who prayerful to non-God like beings remains poor because their prayer dynamics do not pass a efficiency standard based on human satisfactory metrics.


  1. You have an absolutely good point for reminding our ROman Catholic brethrens, priests, bishops, cardinals and the pope to retrospect for a while with that two simple questions.

  2. nice lines... you're at the exact point.
