Hard Facts about the Philippines - page 7

The following info are what's being discussed in any local neighborhood in the Philippines:
Did you know that?

  • One of the most popular phrases  going into some government agencies/bureaus is "Yan lang ba? Barya lang yan!".
  • NBI employs an archaic system of "name matching" for every person visiting its agency just to get a clearance certificate.
  • Locals people believe that when an NBI official hear that the clearance certificate is for passport, the number of "same name" hits would be higher.
  • Forklift operators on every seaport are believed to dump your cargo in the deep of stocks if you're not paying them beforehand for their "service".
  • Metaphor is used by the drivers caught in traffic violation to make sure that they're paying-off the "willing" enforcer and avoid being charged with bribing violation if they're just careless to hand over money to any enforcer on the roads.

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Hard Facts about the Philippines - page 6

The following info are what's being discussed in any local neighborhood in the Philippines:                             
Did you know that?

  • Some newsmen are accused by others that they are serving as media hit men for blackmailers.
  • The horrible death of people involved in political circus e.g. Dacer was viewed by many people in business that it was because of the person's asking price that was too hefty on their  enemies' wallets and not because these victims were just want to serve the nation with their expose.
  • It's doubly difficult to audit kickbacks because the auditors themselves are also doing same. 
  • Infrastructure projects sponsored by UN and others are most likely to get implemented well because of their very strict auditing.
  • Local execs love the reverse budgeting. For example, if  a project would costs 10 million and 1 million is allocated for kickbacks, the local official, if too callous, would ask the 10 million kickbacks and 1 million for implementation.
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Hard Facts about the Philippines - page 5

The following info are what's being discussed in any local neighborhood in the Philippines:                             
Did you know that?

  • Remote provinces are bread-baskets of elected officials because they can still allocate projects like road and bridges which cost huge amount  money thus providing opportunity to earn humongous kickbacks.
  • Many businesses serve as kickbacks ' bag man for elected officials.
  • There can be at most one bag man who will  serve to collect money for each infrastructure project.
  • It's very hard to track down kickbacks because the perpetrators leave no paperworks acceptable to court of law.
  • People involve on these horrendous activities considered this as "it's just business "and nothing really serious in terms of overall effects to nationhood.
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Why Filipino Prayer is very Inefficient?


Efficient and effective intercession for earthly beings require the following essential intercessor attributes:

1. at least earthniscent - the ability to know every single earthly pious individual prayer needs, by spoken words or in mind, at any given time

2. at least earthnipresent - the ability where to extract earthly prayer request and where to deliver it

3. at least earthnipotent - the ability to extract earthly prayer and deliver it at the most acceptable time.

In the history of  revelations, there is no single evidence that point to the existence of spiritual beings with multi-conscious reading ability apart from God Himself. Thus, a single-conscious spirit intercessory capability, if allowed to by the rules of spirits, is only capable to intercede effectively within the range of his capability.

When an intercessor moves from one prayerful human to the another by the Speed of Thought, only selected individuals are handled properly. In this scenario, the most likely given priority are the most virtuous among men those poor. Thus, the poor in character either caused by their  own volition or mold by their environment may have a hard time connecting to an intercessor encircling the earth.

It would be highly desirable for an intercessor to act responsibly like impressing upon the prayerful man's heart, while he's waiting for an answered prayer, these soft of words similar to TAPI or CSTA virtual phones "Your prayer is in the queue. Please wait until delivered.". But even then, with millions of people praying to Mary or other Saints, considered by religious leaders capable of interceding, the efficiency would be very very low.

In networking terms, each prayer request is considered asynchronous or non-blocking by nature because the request is only delivered when a given pipeline is available from the requester to the target, in this case from a man to  an intercessor to God, is established in a any given rotational availability, with which the bottleneck indicated by the limited capability of the intercessor to deliver the message in both ways.


The best efficient mechanism for prayer is when an intercessor is God by nature because it can provide the mind-reading ability of a praying man thoughts and to deliver it when needed. Another advantage is when the prayer does not require the Father of trinity ability e.g.  non-sinful confession and forgiveness, the intercessor serving as a facade, in this case Christ, can provides direct answer.

One common defense against this contrary analysis is anthropomorphism which tells us that we can't subject the spiritual realms to human available analysis. But then again, we can ask the following questions:

1. Was it man who instituted to us that these non-Godlike intercessors are capable of interceding thus they can be safely subjected to human logic as well?

2.What is the point of providing non-Godlike intercessors when God Himself can do it on His own without delegation?


Many people around the world e.g. Filipinos who prayerful to non-God like beings remains poor because their prayer dynamics do not pass a efficiency standard based on human satisfactory metrics.

Hard Facts about the Philippines - page 4

The following info are what's being discussed in any local neighborhood in the Philippines:                             
Did you know that?

  • One method of businessmen getting around not paying minimum wages is to let their workers sign 2 documents, one is real pay and one is for official accounting record.
  • Some companies have at most 3 books: one is real, one is for prospective investor and one for government agencies.
  • Killing poor criminals are more acceptable and source of pride  among many people even though their local execs suspected of implementing 'law of the jungle' are likewise dirty in the sense that they are stealing taxpayers money  allocated for intelligence support.
  • You can get imported cars of your liking via ingenious import-caught-auction scheme.
  • Newly-appointed government official chill at the thought of receiving money during the first few months but after a year or two, you'll see a wide grin to her face.
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      Hard Facts about the Philippines - page 3

      The following info are what's being discussed in any local neighborhood in the Philippines:            
      Did you know that?

      • Teachers job item is up for sale in some remote places and any applicant who wishes to get the first available item save enough money first to pay it off.
      • Business people find it hard to sympathize with cause-oriented groups because they're thinking opposing parties are salivating the funding from overseas.
      • You can get drivers license without road test or with no  required personal appearance.
      • Many stores reserved for specific customers such as military or newly-arrived overseas Filipinos can still be visited by other customers who are neither military nor overseas Filipino.
      • God is one the most often abused words for official caught red-handed in a scandal when interviewed on a TV or radio.
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      Hard Facts about the Philippines - page 2

      The following info are what's being discussed in any local neighborhood in the Philippines:                              

      Did you know that?

      • One of the most prevalent butt of jokes among business people who are dealing closely with government or elected officials is “How much are their asking price?”.
      • Many businessmen who once supported a government official during election can call him any time and ask for non-negotiable favour e.g. asking the latter not to shuffle his cabinet for he still has a project with that official.
      • Public school textbooks are free by students losing any one of them are asked to pay for lose textbook and the money just go to the ‘lucky’ pockets.
      • In some places, you can’t fly when a local VIP entourage lacks a flight seat? In this case, the airline just give you some monetary compensation in lieu of your disgruntled mood.
      • Marcos spirit is alive and well in many towns? Some local execs are not giving business permits when the new businesses applicant is too unwilling about the stocks asking price of a local exec.
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        Hard Facts about the Philippines

        The following info are what's being discussed in any local neighborhood in the Philippines:            
        Did you know that

        • If a particular Chinese-Filipino behaved too virtuous, his workers wish that all of them are like him as they believed their boss is more of like an exception rather than a rule.
        • When people are lining up either outside or inside a government office for business approval, either start-up or operational, their familiarity of faces to their approving officer is based on how much they know about the exact figures the officer would ask them just to make the process more liquid.
        • Many foreigners already know that the easiest way to get  important documents like passport or birth certificate from a government agency is to pay someone working from inside.
        • In the Visayan regions, aristocratic and/or traditional Chinese-Filipino’s most usual expression in dealing with their helpers especially with those who have limited education every time they displeased their masters is, “yawa ka man siguro!” (trans: "Are you a devil incarnate?”).
        • One foreigner based in Manila who regularly posts to a Filipino website once complained that the most rude of all Filipinos are those born of Chinese descent. The posters consensus was that it was because Chinese-Filipinos rule the Philippines like gods as if thinking to themselves ,‘What are they in wealth for?’.
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          Among the 2010 Philippine Presidential Candidates' Campaign Slogans, Which One is the Most Deceiving?

          A. "Tapusin ang kahirapan"

          Villar has insulted the intelligence of the Filipinos by parading his billions of assets in ads and campaign sortie as if a sizable number of voters enough to make him win would believe he will use his own pocket money to fund  projects to help poor Filipinos out their dire economic conditions. 

          His ads runs in billions of pesos paid off already and he's raking good in surveys neck to neck with Noynoy. In reality, even if Villar would use his own money, his billions of pesos would just have a minuscule impact to the total amount required to fund project to end all economic deprivation.

          The good thing though many people don't believe him he'll fulfill his election promise. In fact, talking to many people, many of them said that his first course of action once he gets elected is to recoup his campaign expenses. He can do that easily at least with the 2 methods below:

          1. Prioritize projects that would benefit his existing real-estates - e.g. C-5 extension or like GMA  who managed to raise her total assets after playing the roads construction and land ownership tandem game.

          2. Deprive many towns and cities of special projects and group them into a huge one. This approach can help him recoup his expenses so quickly by just one humongous project.

          B. "Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap"

          Noynoy's platform is always tied to his parents legacy and he's in fact in the strong position to put legs into the very principles his parents fought and died for.

          However, Noynoy could have done it better had he run as an independent. At the moment, many of his campaign supporters, especially local execs who run cities and provinces are known incorrigible robbers of people's money.

          How would Noynoy eradicate corruption when at the moment, he's seems turning deaf and blind to local execs past and present records as long as they will support him? Is he going to bite their hands once he gets elected or just leave the poor people guessing who will take precedence in terms of repaying gratitude?

          C. "Erap para sa mahirap"

          This convicted plunderer is reusing his old line as if there has still a sting left on it. However, in the surveys he'll trailing and no signs he would win back his old seat. Erap conviction is a proven fact he's salivating poor man's money in illegal gambling game. Is the rich man's dirty money too difficult to grasp to Erap's mind?

          D. "Galing at Talino"

          Gibo's intelligence and practical approach in his platforms are well-built into the fact that there would be transitory period in Philippine economic recovery where government officials are still corrupt and yet the country is still progressing.

          The closest scenario we could get is a mixed of GMA (minus FG and Mikey) plus a Fidel's Ramos political will.

          E. "Pagbabago, Sigurado"

          Gordon's no-nonsense style did him good both as local exec in Olongapo and currently as Senator. However, it still remains to be seen he would still be that effective when carrying the whole country's problems into his back, most of them are caused by deeply ingrained wrong attitudes of the Filipinos.

          Judging from his records, the likelihood there would be changes is highly likely. But how effective he would be as problem-solver nationwide remains to be seen or whether the changes he advertising himself he could do would be felt by Mang Pandoy.